
Reason Pochettino criticize Chelsea’s subpar performance angrily

“Pochettino criticizes Chelsea’s subpar performance angrily.”


Mauricio Pochettino has a lot of work to do at half time to sort out a really quite pathetic Chelsea performance in the first half.

He picked just about the strongest team available to him, and was rewarded with 45 minutes of absolutely nothing.

The press boxes at Stamford Bridge are right by the technical area, and the Evening Standard’s Nizaar Kinsella has reported that the manager was “furious” as he went down the tunnel. Quite right too. Fans didn’t boo at half time, mainly because it was still 0-0, but there was a well deserved mumbling on the whistle.


This Chelsea team are jogging around, they’re unable to play through the press or generate much pressure of their own. They look like they don’t know what to do or particularly care about the game. It’s an utter disgrace given the money spent, and we’re not surprised Pochettino is furious. This reflects terribly on him, and if things don’t improve immediately, he will find support from the crowd draining away rapidly.

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