Angry Midfielder Ruben Loftus-Cheek talks about his new position of play at Chelsea; Here is what he said

Angry Midfielder Ruben Loftus-Cheek talks about his new position of play at Chelsea; Here is what he said.

Chelsea talented midfielder Ruben Loftus-Cheek have been converted from the midfield to the defensive side and at first he was really pissed off by this but as time went on he started to have a rethink about this position now.

Initially very upset that he is now leaving his midfield position to the right back, he is thrilled to share what it is like ion the past few weeks adapting to defensive side.

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He told the club’s website: “When it first came about it was kind of a shock. Thomas Tuchel pitched it to me and said he thought I’d be quite effective there with my touch and running power in the wide areas. Sometimes he even gave me the freedom to come inside so it was a hybrid really of a full-back, a winger and a midfielder.

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“At first it was foreign but having played there a few times now, I’m starting to feel quite comfortable there.

“Well I’ve played every position on the pitch except left-back, and keeper of course, so that’s quite funny now when you look back on it. When I started my first real campaign in the first team, I was predominantly an attacking midfielder behind the striker. When Conte came in he played two strikers without an attacking midfielder so it was either a striker or a kind of number six for me and at the time, a striker was more suited to me.” 

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