
BREAKING: Chelsea is being investigated for Saudi Arabia’s big-money deals for Chelsea players

BREAKING: Chelsea is being investigated for Saudi Arabia’s big-money deals for Chelsea players.

Former Man Utd player Gary Neville have blown the whistle on Chelsea to be investigated by the EPL board over the claims that Saudi have been plunging too much money into the club by buying players.


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Neville is convinced that a regulator is needed to sort the “mess” that is engulfing English football, amid question marks around “fair market” and aiding clubs with Financial Fair Play rules.

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He wrote on Twitter: “Any chance the Premier League can look into this Saudi trading like NOW!!!


“Get a Regulator in asap that’s agile enough to stop these things at source! If it doesn’t look right it’s probably not right! Independence is required asap. The Governance of our game is a mess!”

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