
Potter on Aubameyang snub; We miss his scoring ability upfront; they think I’m the problem

Potter on Aubameyang snub; We miss his scoring ability upfront; they think I’m the problem.

Potter knows they miss Auba upfront and he knows too that the Chelsea fans are thinking he is the problem and have always questioned why he is not bringing Aubameyang on in any of Chelsea matches.


This continuous goal drought now has taken its legs to a whole new level and we have a natural number 9 just sitting in the bench all the time while tyhe drought continues.

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Speaking about how much Chelsea misses Aubameyang scoring ability Potter said;

I think we’ve had a tough period and I think we’ve had lots of challenges in terms of integrating young players into the Premier League. While results don’t go your way it can be tough, that is how it is.


“I’m sure there will be people out there that think I’m the problem, absolutely. I don’t think they’re right but I’m not arrogant enough to say their opinion isn’t worth articulating. My job is to help the team, keep working through a team period, we’ve had to make some changes today and the truth is we took a step back in our performance in the first half. The response in the second half was good, but it wasn’t good enough.”

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Asked about Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang’s continued omission, he added: “I would say keep doing what he’s doing. We made the decision to give David (Datro Fofana) the opportunity and we still had Kai [Havertz] and Raheem coming on and I think they impacted the game well. But obviously, when you don’t score and have created chances, I understand the question.” 

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