
Sky Pundit Jamie Carragher hands Chelsea their next Eden Hazard; Here is who he mentioned

Jamie Carragher believes Chelsea needs another Eden Hazard to be able to make any significant move in this EPL season and he has handed them just that and in time too.


Speaking about Chelsea and who may be the next person to take the mantle as their next big name just as Eden Hazard was few years ago, Jamie Carragher said…

“What he reminded me of was not just the pace, but his actual quick feet. It was very Hazard-like, one of the greatest players we’ve seen in the Premier League and one of the best Chelsea players we’ve seen, Eden Hazard. Picking the ball up in those positions, that low centre of gravity.”

“You see him in between players, and it’s not about pace, that’s great footballing ability and understanding where his teammates are, but as I said, that blistering pace and what he’s going to do to defenders, I think he’s going to be an absolute nightmare.”


From what we are seeing both in physicality and strength it seems like this assertion might be true of the Ukrainian.

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