
(Image): Marc Cucurella shows absolutely superb defensive stats in the past few days; Have a look

(Image): Marc Cucurella shows absolutely superb defensive stats in the past few days; Have a look.

In the recent games, Cucurella have made a very impressive stats and he is getting all the credit now. Although it is somewhat a double standard that he lost form for a few matches and fans are already calling for him to be axed out but then he started proving his worth again


His stats from the game at the weekend show he made 2 interceptions and won 7 duels as he harried the Foxes’ forwards.

You can see his stats in the image embedded here:

Cucurella built on his performance against Dortmund


What he love is seeing him play his role on the front foot as he has done in the last two games.

Chelsea are the ones pushing forward, and he has the chance to break from his back three to press. It’s against stronger sides, when we’re defending, that he’s struggled so far.

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